Adopting a kitten. Devon Rex Pixie Cattery

Do you have kittens? When will you have kittens?

I publish all the information on the website in the “Kittens” section. If there is nothing there, it means I have nothing to tell you yet. You can subscribe to me on Facebook or Instagram — I publish all the news about the cattery simultaneously on the website, Facebook and Instagram.

Go to the “Kittens” section
Adopting a kitten. Devon Rex Pixie Cattery

How does the adoption process work?

I will publish information on the website, Instagram, and Facebook when the kittens are born and when reservation opens. I typically open reservations when the kittens are 2 months old. Before this time, I create a page for each kitten and post their photos and videos there. You can choose which kitten you like the most, and when reservations open, you can contact me from that kitten’s page. I will also ask you to answer a few questions.

Adopting a kitten. Devon Rex Pixie Cattery

Price for kittens

I do not have a fixed price for kittens. The price depends on several factors. You can check the prices by clicking on the kitten’s photo. There, you will find more pictures and information about the kitten, including its price. Currently, prices range from $3000 to $4000.

How can I know this isn’t a scam website?

Yes, there are indeed many scammers nowadays who may show you very beautiful photos and videos (often stolen from real breeders or even generated using AI). However, their catteries are not listed on reputable international organizations such as CFA and TICA. My cattery is registered there, and you can verify this information. If you’d like, we can arrange a video call for you. You’ll be able to see both the kittens and their parents live. Scammers cannot provide such proof.

If you have a waiting list?

Hello, if you would like to welcome a Devon Rex from our cattery into your family, you can fill out the waiting list. 

 Please note that I will not be sending out emails, reminders, or invitations. It will be up to you to keep an eye on the announcements. Once reservations open, you can send a message from the page of the kitten you like. There will be no need to fill out the application form again—just mention that you have already completed it as part of the waiting list.

Application Form

What’s next?

I will write to you in any case—whether you can get a kitten this time or not. If you receive a letter stating that I have chosen you as the future owner of a kitten, I will ask for your address and phone number to draft the contract. You can see a sample contract by clicking the button below. After signing the contract, you will transfer a non-refundable deposit of $500 via Zelle. We will agree on a convenient time for you to pick up the kitten. You can either come to our home yourself, or we can bring the kitten to the Houston airport. The kitten can only be taken home when it is at least 3.5 months old! If it is more convenient for you to have the kitten delivered to your home, I can arrange for a nanny to bring the kitten to you. However, this will incur additional costs, which depend on the price of the plane tickets and the nanny’s services. I do not neuter or spay the kittens as I believe that their intellectual development stops after this operation. Additionally, veterinarians now say that neutering at 6 months or later reduces the risk of urogenital diseases. When I chip the kitten (this usually happens a few days before moving to a new home), I sign a contract with a company that guarantees you will spay/neuter the kitten in a timely manner. I cover the expenses of this company, but you will need to sign a contract with them before the kitten moves to your home.


How can I pay the remaining amount?

If you are coming to me, you may bring cash, make a transfer (please note that different banks have limits on Zelle transfers), or provide a money order. If the kitten is traveling to you with a nanny, you will need to transfer the full amount two weeks prior to the trip.

I’m sorry, but I do not accept checks.

Adopting a kitten. Devon Rex Pixie Cattery

What do you need to prepare for moving?

1. You will need a carrier. It’s best to buy a quality one right away, as you’ll use it for vet visits and various trips. If you are flying, check if your carrier meets the airline’s regulations. You should also purchase a ticket immediately with a seat for the kitten. It’s cheaper and better to take the kitten in the cabin of the plane.

 2. The kitten should have a scratching post (preferably several), a house, a place to climb, and a litter box with filler. It is better to place the scratching post in high-traffic areas because, for them, it’s not only for scratching claws but also a way of marking territory to show who is the boss of the house. And the mark should be visible to everyone. 😊

3. Please make sure to stock up on food. Here is the link to the food. Please find the contact details of a reliable veterinarian near you. Unfortunately, finding a good doctor can be quite challenging, and I wouldn’t recommend going to the first one you come across.

As a bonus, when I give away the kitten, I also provide a bag in which you will find the kitten’s documents (veterinary passport, health certificate, and chip information), along with some toys and food for a week: both wet and dry.

What do you need to prepare for moving?

1. You will need a carrier. It’s best to buy a quality one right away, as you’ll use it for vet visits and various trips. If you are flying, check if your carrier meets the airline’s regulations. You should also purchase a ticket immediately with a seat for the kitten. It’s cheaper and better to take the kitten in the cabin of the plane.

 2. The kitten should have a scratching post (preferably several), a house, a place to climb, and a litter box with filler. It is better to place the scratching post in high-traffic areas because, for them, it’s not only for scratching claws but also a way of marking territory to show who is the boss of the house. And the mark should be visible to everyone. 😊

3. Please make sure to stock up on food. Here is the link to the food. Please find the contact details of a reliable veterinarian near you. Unfortunately, finding a good doctor can be quite challenging, and I wouldn’t recommend going to the first one you come across.

As a bonus, when I give away the kitten, I also provide a bag in which you will find the kitten’s documents (veterinary passport, health certificate, and chip information), along with some toys and food for a week: both wet and dry.
